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Guide: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

goodbye letter to alcohol template

I mean, damn, I can barely remember all those late night documentaries we watched on Netflix. And you gave me a short fuse at my temper. Yep, you ignited that on way too many occasions.

Stages of Addiction Recovery: The Journey to Lasting Sobriety

  • They deserve me without you tagging along.
  • We bonded over and shared stories about what you’d done, what you’d made us do.
  • In the introduction of a letter, state who you are and your relationship to the subject of an intervention.
  • This isn’t a letter that you are submitting for a grade in school.

Worst of all, you have a serious jealousy streak in you, bordering on psychotic. How could you come between my family and me? You couldn’t handle even a few special days off so others could shine. You also helped me through some rough periods in my life too. You were there when my parents died and helped me through the grief. When I threw out my back, you comforted me for weeks and eased the pain.

  • Ever since you were in that car accident, I know you’ve been abusing your prescription pain meds.
  • It gives you the opportunity to be very honest with yourself and your relationship with alcohol.
  • For me, it was such a love-hate bond we had under the false pretense that I “needed” you to have fun, be social or to handle my emotions and stress.
  • We had become such closet companions towards the end.

Help Your Future Self

I first got involved with you aged 14 when I remember buying 4 beers with my cousin. Actually going through the physical process of writing a letter, or writing in general may not ‘be your thing’, or even trying it just might not have a desired effect. The experience of writing this letter can be wonderful. I will no longer allow you to rob me of who I truly am or create unnecessary chaos in my life. I know I’m better off not associating with you whatsoever going forward and I’m thankful I finally gained the courage to stand up to you and say NO.

  • For me, it made me realise my feelings towards alcohol and what it has taken away from me.
  • You were there throughout my wedding and my early days of marriage.
  • All of these things may seem par for the course for those in active addiction but will stand out as red flags to those on the outside looking in.
  • It’s nice knowing you no longer have a say in my thoughts, my actions or my life, for that matter, and that I’m driving this bus now.
  • It’s a disgusting feeling knowing I did those things and not being able to remember.
  • He shares the lies, pain, and broken promises he can no longer endure at alcohol’s hands.

Do we actually put pen to paper, or physically write a letter?

I deserve to live free from your grip, and I am determined to find joy and peace without you. I am excited to rebuild the lives of myself and my kids and discover who I am without you. You’ll goodbye letter to alcohol examples not be even a part of my future. Paul’s letter to alcohol is his break-up letter to alcohol. He shares the lies, pain, and broken promises he can no longer endure at alcohol’s hands.

How does a letter help in my path to sobriety?

But every day I will keep doing what I have to do to keep my obsession at bay — counseling, 12-step meetings, etc — so that I never have to see you again. And so that I can be there to help others who you might victimize. Alcohol,We have been together for such a long time.

Get Guidance on Crafting a Powerful Farewell to Addiction Letter

The reality was that you caused those feelings within me in the first place. You have caused me to be a shadow of the person I was half a lifetime ago. I was not me when I used you, but a variation of somebody I thought I wanted to be.

goodbye letter to alcohol template

goodbye letter to alcohol template

My wife and friends tell me about how intense I got, and the horrible things I said. It’s a disgusting feeling knowing I did those things and not being able to remember. Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together.

I had to admit my complete powerlessness over you in order to release your grip on my existence. But as I bear witness to you ripping through the lives of my friends, my family members, and my patients, I find it nearly impossible to surrender again. You would think I would have accepted this by now—that you want us dead—after battling with you my entire life. You would think I would stop being surprised as I hear about overdose after overdose… countless lives that you’ve taken hostage and pursued until the gates of death.

Approaches for Reclaiming Your Personal and Professional Life with a Letter Like No Other

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